Shipping Pier 80 Image Comparison

Gigafactory Mexico Added !

I just added the Gigafactory Mexico location.

For now the area is quite large untill we get a sense of the buildingsite. Will adjust in the future. John

Select Dates or Change Location



Last checked for new imagery :07-12-2023 : 09:46:54 PST
12-09-2023 22-09-2023

Shipping Pier 80 Gallery

Help me out by submitting images to the gallery !

Please note that maintaining the list below has stopped as of august 2019 , i am a one man show and simply do not have the time to keep track of all ship movements. You may refer to the google sheets link below as an excellent replacement as your source of shipping information.

Google sheets - tesla carriers shipping list

Historic transports from Shipping Pier 80

Start loadingDeparture DateVesselDestinationArrival DateApproximate amount of vehicles
25-07-201926-07-2019Glovis primeXinsha - China14-08-2019unknown
21-07-201925-07-2019Glovis ChampionZeebrugge14-08-2019Unknown
18-07-201920-07-2019Cosco TengfeiShanghai - China08-08-2019Unknown
10-07-201913-07-2019Triumph AceZeebrugge02-08-2019Unknown
21-06-201921-06-2019GMT AstroTianjin - China09-07-2019Unknown
04-06-201904-06-2019Grand QuestShanghai - China20-06-2019very short loading time , small load
28-05-201931-07-2019Grand MarkZeebrugge19-06-2019First shipment of RHD model 3
23-05-201924-05-2019Asian GloryShanghai - China13-06-2019
21-05-201923-05-2019Grand DahliaZeebrugge13-06-2019Unknown
16-05-201917-05-2019Cosco TengfeiXinsha - China03-06-2019Unknown
11-05-201915-05-2019Grand PhoenixZeebrugge04-06-2019First model 3 SR+ for europe
07-05-201908-05-2019Asian KingShanghai - China21-05-2019Unknown
28-04-201902-05-2019NOCC OceanicZeebrugge21-05-2019Unknown
26-04-201927-04-2019Grand paceXingang - China13-05-2019Unknown
21-04-201922-04-2019Glovis CaptainShanghai - China08-05-2019Unknown
15-04-201917-04-2019Morning CorneliaZeebrugge08-05-2019Unknown
05-04-201906-04-2019Glovis SonicHitachi - Japan22-04-2019stayed only a few hours, additional loading at Benicia doubtfull if loaded tesla's , after Hitachi went on to Kawasaki
07-03-201910-03-2019Asian KingShanghai - China24-03-2019Unknown
05-03-201907-03-2019ToscaShanghai - China22-03-2018Unknown
03-03-201905-03-2019Glovis CountessTianjin - China23-03-2019Unknown
28-02-201903-03-2019Viking adventureZeebrugge24-03-2019Unknown
25-02-201927-02-2019Violet AceTianjin - China16-03-2019Unknown
21-02-201925-02-2019Glovis StarZeebrugge19-03-2019Unknown
17-02-201921-02-2019Grand VenusZeebrugge16-03-2019Unknown , additional unloading in Oslo on 22-03-2019
11-02-201913-02-2019Golden RayShanghai - China01-03-2019Unknown
09-02-201911-02-2019Glovis CourageZeebrugge06-03-2019additional unloading in oslo , reported 1800 model 3's on 14-03-2019
07-02-201908-02-2019Emerald AceTianjin - China24-02-2019Unknown
03-02-201906-02-2019Morning CindyShanhai - China21-02-20191837, of which 1600 m3. reported by chinese media
30-01-201902-02-2019CSCC EuropeZeebrugge22-02-2019Unknown
23-01-201925-01-2019Grand AuroraZeebrugge15-02-2019Unknown
21-01-201923-01-2019Glovis SymphonyTianjin - China10-02-2019approx 1500 , see photos of 21 and 23-01 in the gallery
16-01-201918-02-2019Glovis CosmosZeebrugge11-02-2019Max 6070 car capacity , no satellite confirmation due to clouds
11-01-201912-01-2019Glovis CaptainZeebrugge05-02-2019Reported unloading of 1400 M3 + 350 MS & X
18-06-201818-06-2018Glovis CenturyTianjin - China03-07-2018unknown
08-05-201808-05-2018Aquarius LeaderNagoya - Japan22-05-2018approx 700 unknown if tesla's
05-05-201805-05-2018Clover AceTianjin - China22-05-2018approx 700 based on arrival sat image analyses
01-05-201805-05-2018Glovis PhoenixTianjin - China21-05-2018approx 1250
27-04-201801-05-2018GMT AstroShanghai - China19-05-2018approx 1250
20-02-201824-02-2018G PoseidonShanghai - China10-03-2018approx 2000
12-02-201813-02-2018Morning CatherineLe Havre - France05-03-2018approx 1250
If you have any additional information regarding shipping locations , or missing shipments from this list please send the info to

About Buildingtesla

Buildingtesla originated out of curiousity how the construction of the gigafactory was progressing. I found that there was not an easy quick way to follow the building progress through time.

As a amateur web developer i saw an opportunity to build an easy maintainable solution to this problem, develop my programming and webdesign skills and create a nice tool for the tesla community all in one.

Please note that this is a Tesla FANPAGE and not in anyway linked to Tesla inc.

If you enjoy this site please consider donating, i'd like to remove the ads that currently pay for hosting and possibly get some paid sattellite imagery !

Handy links
